Welcome to Radiant Health Acupuncture.
We as acupuncturists believe that our patients have a blueprint for health within them. It is our job to connect them to it and marvel at how the body can heal itself.
About Us
We as acupuncturists believe that our patients have a blueprint for health within them.
About Acupuncture
Though comparatively new in this country, acupuncture is one of the world's oldest systems of medicine.
Who Benefits
A wide variety of people from various walks of life consult Acupuncturists for a myriad reasons.
The 5 Elements
Observing and understanding the laws of nature to better understand the human condition.
The Classical Acupuncturist considers symptoms in context of life’s movements and changes and how the events affect the energetic flow of QI in the individual.
General Info
Information to prepare you for your first visit, and what to expect during your appointment.
23 Catoonah St.
2nd Floor
Ridgefield, CT 06877
(Enter through rear entrance)
(Currently on
(c) 2023 Radiant Health Acupuncture. All rights reserved.